Elisabeth Lukas, Heidi Schönfeld:
Meaningful Renunciation. Rethinking Crisis Management.
Two experienced logotherapists have drawn from both theory and practice to offer
insights that help readers discover how a mindful approach―choosing what to hold
on to and what to let go―can foster confidence for the future and enrich quality
of life in the present.
Maria Marshall (Author), Edward Marshall (Editor):
Horizons of Hope: Upholding Agency in Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy
Horizons of Hope contains a collection of memorable presentations by therapists. Despite challenges, these individuals aspire to help their clients embrace difficult times with courage and patience, knowing that there is a science to helping, but there ais also an art.
Alexander Batthyany, Elisabeth Lukas:
El mundo no es perfecto, pero podemos mejorarlo
Alexander Batthyány y Elisabeth Lukas conversan sobre los desafíos psicológicos y sociales de nuestros días,
y responden a estas preguntas desde la perspectiva de la logoterapia de Viktor Frankl y los descubrimientos
psicológicos actuales.
Viktor E. Frankl:
On the Theory and Therapy of Mental Disorders
New "Routledge Mental Health Classics" edition
James M. DuBois’ translation of Frankl’s "Theorie und Therapie der Neurosen" allows English readers to experience
this essential text on logotherapy in an invigorating new light. DuBois also provides a new Preface to the book,
highlighting the importance of both the original volume and Frankl’s work at large, and framing it within
contemporary psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Throughout the book, Frankl uses his unique logotherapeutic
approach to analyse neuroses and their impact. He looks in turn at how neuroses may be informed by psychoses,
somatic disorders, and the mental implications of being diagnosed with a physical medical condition, as well
as potential psychological, spiritual, and societal causes of neuroses.
Masterfully translated and thoroughly annotated, this volume brings Frankl’s trailblazing theories into
the 21st century and will be of great interest to psychiatrists and psychotherapists alike.
Charles L. McLafferty, Jr. & Jay Levinson, Eds.:
Proceedings of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna, Vol. 2
In this Second Volume of the series, the principles of logotherapy are applied
to education, workplace and educational environments, the tragic triad of fear,
suffering, and death—even to international relations. In still other chapters,
the depth of Frankl’s philosophical foundation is expanded.
Viktor E. Frankl:
Abbracciare la speranza / Significato, libertà e responsabilità
Abbracciare la speranza riunisce quattro testi di Viktor Frankl che trattano i suoi classici temi da diversi punti di vista: un saggio del 1955 affronta il vuoto spirituale lasciato nelle società occidentali dalla seconda guerra mondiale; un’intervista televisiva del 1977 e una lezione del 1946 analizzano lo stesso argomento, indagando il ruolo della libertà e della responsabilità nel dare senso alla vita; infine lo scritto di una conferenza del 1984 mostra l’evoluzione del pensiero del grande psichiatra attraverso i decenni, focalizzandosi soprattutto sul concetto di responsabilità. Il cuore del suo messaggio è unico: dobbiamo rimanere sempre aperti alla vita, anche quando subiamo tremende ingiustizie, o siamo costretti a misurarci con la brevità della nostra esistenza. In un mondo così affamato di senso e di speranza come quello globalizzato attuale, le parole di Frankl risuonano ancora oggi più preziose che mai.